Monday, March 22, 2010

Khol For Eyes

The kohl is a black powder made from natural ingredients that Arab women used to highlight and beautify his eye in its origins.

Can bring out the whiteness of the eyes with them embellished, and even protects them from external factors such as dust, the rays of the sun, the smoke. Set the line for the inner eye, the top and in the inferior.

It is a dry powder that normally comes with a stick for its application and makeup must soak in water or oil for this use before switching to the dust. It employs tear, closing the eye and slides for the entire eyelid, along the shape of the eye.

It is recommended, coat if you are a beginner in the use of kohl to apply before makeup because it is very easy to stain the skin with kohl.

If behind your application there is a feeling of coldness, or even a slight itching is normal as it can also be used to refresh the eyes, although this in no sense be prolonged nor very strong. If so, withdraw quickly, as would be produced by an allergy or reaction to the product.

Kohl also is sold in paste, and usually receives, among other names, that of kajal. Lately it has become one of the most requested beauty products to beautify their eyes.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ateet Ki Ek Dheeth Khirki

After so many years, sometimes between life's struggles and responsibilities of mind after a very stubborn when I started this past Kidkhi brash, little ten-year-old Raghu's found standing there on that stage, that one evening in Jhutpute withdrawal sad .... and dreams were left unfulfilled gone from Begane ones with the pain. Slipped and stopped doing the same mode Jhhan Raghu Raghav ear Umet took his life on the street Tede Mede ...

That evening I sat on Grandma's bed got school homework was completed. Grandma's new sweater, his old eyes and sitting Yuniform my fingers hurt after were completed. Aruna was engaged in playing Stapu left unfinished homework. Then along with Aruna Bau law Saikl voice full of enthusiasm,

Bau came''G! ''
Shop''suddenly came Amma G Bau today? ''

Grandma was silent. Bau-law had come in, sit me on the head soon began Ferne hand,

Re''Why did not meet Raghu homework today? ''
Bauji was''more.''
Not tell you today that Raghu to his''most Bauji highest number received in all subjects in class.''
Amma''true! Raghu Why? My son will one day raise my name. Came to the shop were telling your headmaster Sir Hindi and English both in recitation Rfst you came. Next year I will put you in the Army school.''
''Yes! They all will be seen, suddenly got up from the shop you today?''Amma Bid
Amma has come''to printed cards.''
''Hey Raghu - Aruna you go out and play.''
Little is left my homework''Amma! ''
... I talk to you later,''is Bauji.
Just two minutes''son.''

What I was thinking about taking books that Grandma and the kids behind Bauji we have to. It never happened then. .... There's something strange in the house is bustling. Last several days he returned home from school some people have come to see grandma sitting. So last Monday evening, people were coming home from the shop and we Bau G Yane shop two hours I sat and Aruna. But Grandma was home, sweet feed.

I came out and sat on the platform, at Mude grandmother. Aruna started playing again Stapu with starling, starling from the great big eyes saw me and started asking Aruna,''what happened today to Raghav? Aruna Ucka''given the shoulder. Mynah is one name that all my calls here in the neighborhood. Have read in my class. Given to me by jumping from leg Lngdi starling became Aut.

What starling'', then you play you go. ''

I was laughing and Aruna Ghyi Cid. Then came and we both call the Bauji left in the house.

''Let's both get ready, many days have you got to turn. Connaught Place will go before some shopping today, then from there, bring your favorite place to feed dosa and Colebhature.''

We both glowing with excitement lying. Aruna grandmother repeatedly insisted was the top Bnwate --

Amma's not fun''.''
Nabeta does not''walk away from me.''
Are not you always Mummy''Talti Hohmari and not leave you that.''
Amma Amma saw the Bauji Bau G, then said,
If all correct''Narayan, your wish will be fulfilled it.''
Children do not insist''Aruna. But we can not Saikl four.''
Bauji''! My Homework ...''
Come and get''''

We shopped a lot of my Aruna Knat Place and new clothes, Jhute, toys, care Gubbareaj Bau live without economic worries kept open heart for us. Turn heat came hungry and when we come to your restaurant dosa and Novlti mind like Cole did Bhature order.

There's been sitting up suddenly from Bauji something like I'm stuck inside. Mommy had me after passing from one who was closest to Bauji. His solitary, pain and struggle mind sharing. Even in the seven-year-old mother of Omar cremated with him when I was standing in a cemetery. Mother's death made me extra sensitive. His face his limitations all made sense until I Bigdte little - would get a sense. Today was something that was confusing them.

Aruna was busy grooming her doll's hair. And I've kept my toys beside - B - am my father's hands tied on a table sat in the currency. During the wait for orders to serve some say pose G Bau in my eyes, my deep brown eyes झाँकाघनी Brunion knows what that moment was not that he went back reluctantly.

Raghu''.''The father's voice seems to come from somewhere far away.
''yes! ''
The card out of shirt pocket they put in front of me.
The marriage is''coming Sunday.''
Bauji''Who? Aruna Chki''.
I have seen card was reversed by Pult. Grandma's name, home address, father's name and''to feel''with a stranger named Juda. If dad says do not trust myself not to.
What is''married, just in gurdwaras ritual, to bring home your new mom. Then Bss party.''

But I did not know what that Aruna had a moment. I was shocked, New Mommy! How can a mother's name unknown? Mom was a Mom Hin, new mom can come? Many say were cold Bauji Bhature Cole ... not even half that landed neck.

We returned. At that moment two years younger to me suddenly like Aruna Sayani became lightheaded. She put the doll toys and bringing my unaltered Amma's bed asleep Khr Kes Od. I understand that the secret of why new Ktole Amma used to sleep last several days I was different. Today I made without insisting on the close Ghya Ktole. We both brought two glasses of milk Amma refused. When grandma told not to go, stepmother and their children read the stories in the book reminds me not to come and Ludkh Rhindo tears when asleep.

Late morning and the school could not be awakened, Aruna was gone. Her breakfast time explained,''Raghu, see Son, your dad are very lonely. They need partners. Today I'm on my death to you tomorrow, who will?''

Amma's a one sentence would take thousands of questions. Then it could not explain Raghu after thousands of Amma, being in that big Khutumb, is one adult man in spite of how his momma and kids can be alone? Amma was also filled a young widow, she must also looking for any? Stepfather was not the law of Bau for their children then they were bringing new mother why? Social practices which they could not understand Raghu woman without a husband and wife without a man not to pause? The man did not think Raghu loneliness and anguish and fragility of women and power within ourselves to be whole. Today, he understands why his momma forever for that one became Ards Woman, why did he say at times in life sentences for his sentence proved divine!

But one evening that made me a grown-up had to Thajo happened. Homework that night she left the new mother did .. I often felt escape was thrown into the Army school ... but my mind once the studies were Thavo never thought Uct. True, the ... life of elderly discount intelligent Raghuvhin ear which he tried to get on the path Khr catch rebels, on ways I get stubborn Raghav life could not Thapta or not but on my terms, I've already hooked to life. Today when I am successful, satisfied ... then past the outside of the brash Kidkhi mode in my eyes but often stand Raghu is standing for this question that --

If that day is not exactly what would have happened if Raghav's life? So what happens when today's successful life is so learned? In which every position of being able to own pride makes it occurs high? Much more secure and spend all your childhood like a child's unique life lessons quickly Pdata whose childhood is?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Kisan Call Centre

Transfer of technology is what keeps the wheels of agricultural development moving. The success of agricultural and rural development strategy, initiated, planned and developed by the policy maker, the planner and the scientist, hinges on the effectiveness of the extension machinery and personnel, whose task is to transfer the technology from lab to the land. Technology transfer has brought a transformation in the lives of the people in the countryside and the farmers and others who have adopted the new technology and the methods of cultivation are happy to share their experiences with others.

A limitation in transfer of technology model continues to remain a challenge for the public and private extension systems. With the availability of telephone and internet, it is now possible to bridge this gap to quite a large extent by using an appropriate mix of technologies. With this objective in focus, the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India launched Kisan Call Centres (KCCs) on January 21, 2004 across the country to deliver more effective extension services to the farming community. The purpose of these call centres is mainly to respond to issues raised by farmers instantly in the local language on continues basis. The farmers can dial the toll free helpline number 1800-1551, identified by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, either from telephone or mobile from 6 A.M. to 10 A.M. on all the seven days of a week, from any part of the country, to get solutions for their problems in agriculture and allied sectors.

Concept of Kisan Call Centre
A Kisan Call Centre consists of a complex of telecommunication infrastructure, computer support and human resources organized to manage effectively and efficiently the queries raised by farmers instantly in the local language. Mainly, Subject Matter Specialists (SMSs) using telephone and computer, interact with farmers to understand the problem and answer the queries at a call centre.

Operational Mechanism
The Kisan Call Centre is a synthesis of two hitherto separate technologies namely, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Agricultural Technology. Both have their specialized domains and work cultures. To optimally utilize the strengths of both these systems, it was proposed to take full advantage of professionally managed Call Centre mechanism and dovetail it with the specialized Subject Matter Specialists knowledge of Agricultural Scientists and Extension Officers, so as to facilitate its reach to the farming community. The Kisan Call Centre consists of three levels, namely.
Level-I: The call coming to the call centre is picked by an operator (Level-I functionary) who after a short welcome message takes down the basic information and query of the caller. These details are fed into a computer located next to the operator by the operator himself. The level receiver of the call would also feed into the computer the question being asked by the farmer. The first level operators preferably would be an agricultural graduate with rural background knowing local language. They should also possess good communication skills. They would be in a position to answer a majority of the questions likely to be asked by the farmers.

Level-II: The level-II consists of Subject Matter Specialists (SMSs) who are located at their respective places (Research Stations, ATICs, KVKs, Agricultural colleges), of work. In case the first level operator is not able to answer the question, the operator forwards (in call sharing mode) the call to the concerned Subject Matter Specialist. The data relating to the caller including the question asked is also transferred to the Level-II functioning on his computer along with the call. Hence, when the specialist takes the forwarded call, his computer also shows the data and question asked so that there is no repetition. It is envisaged that in normal cases, the entire spill over question from the first level get answered at this level. In case, it is not possible to answer, there is a system to revert back to the caller by post/fax/e-mail or by phone in 72 hours.

Level III: The level III consists of a dedicated cell located the Nodal Office. This would receive the questions that have not been answered at the first and second levels. Appropriate replies to these questions would be then framed in consultation with the concerned specialists available within or outside the State, by the nodal cell. The replies would be sent to the farmers promptly by post/e-mail/fax/telephone etc. within 72 hours of receipt of the question.

Monitoring and review: The nodal institutions monitor and review the various activities of the Kisan Call Centres on a regular basis. The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India will review the functioning of all the Kisan Call Centres with the Heads of Nodal Institutions every month to start with for first six months and subsequently for every quarter in each of the Nodal Institution on rotation basis.

Conclusion: The Kisan Call Centres will thus enable the establishment of close linkages and seamless communication mechanism among the key stakeholders in the extension system namely - Farmers, Agricultural Scientists, Extension Functionaries and Marketing Agencies.